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Let your adventure begin here.
Commonly asked questions
Q: Can Solo drivers apply?
A: Yes, Davnic has many different driving oppurtunities, from day cab straight trucks, solo sleeper straight trucks, team straight trucks, to solo & team tractor trailer trucks.
Q: Will you take non same houshold teams?
A: Yes, as long as you are alright sharing one bed.
Q: What licenses and endorsements are needed?
A: Class B CDL, we don't require any other endorsements.
Q: Do you provide health insurance?
A: No, as an independent contractor you will be responsible for finding your own insurance plan. We will be glad to point you in the right direction on where to look for insurance.
Q: Is experience required?
A: Experience is not required if you have a class B CDL, we also have a program for teams where one driver has their Class B and the other has a permit, please call for details.
Q: Do I need a passport?
A: Absolutely not, we don't cross borders.
Q: Do you allow pets?
A: Absolutely, we are a pet friendly company.
Have another question?
Contact Thomas Henry with any other questions you may have.
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