Q: What paperwork do I scan in and when?
For Operations:
Bills of lading and detention paperwork need to be scanned in as soon as you have delivered. Do not leave the shipper until you have scanned your paperwork. Be sure to write your truck number and the order number on every page before scanning. Scan the paperwork to loads@tryhours.com
At the end of each week, put all your bills in the pre-addressed envelope and stick them in the mailbox.
For Davnic:
Receipts for Truck washes, fuel additives, out of pocket repairs, tire pass, DEF, and KOA stays, can be scanned in whenever you are ready for reimbursement. We normally wait till we have about $200 dollars worth and then scan them in so that it makes our paycheck that much bigger. Scan the paperwork to receipts@davniccorp.com
Once scanned, and you are ready, send the originals to Davnic by putting them in the pre-addressed envelope with your bills for that week.
For Maintenance Reports:
Once a month before the 5th day, you are to scan in your monthly maintenance report, along with any repair orders and/or DOT inspection reports. Scan the paperwork to Phil and Lori at recruiting@tryhours.com
At the end of the week send the hard copies in the pre-addressed envelope along with your bills.
Q: What app do I use to scan my paperwork?
A: We use Cam Scanner. It is free, adjusts the image and color automatically, crops and allows you to send the paperwork as a pdf file. It will also do single or batches if you have more than one bill of lading.